Congratulations To You!
Your decision to follow Christ is the most important decision that you’ll ever make and is the very reason that our church exists…to take the life of Christ to everyone we meet! Today is the beginning of your new life as a Christ Follower. Below are some NEXT STEPS that you can take to grow in your relationship with Christ. At OPWC, we we believe God has called us to Worship, Connect, Serve, & Share:
1. Don’t Miss the Service!
Just like a service at Orchard Park Wesleyan helped you step over the line of faith to follow Christ, it’s also going to be one of the primary things that helps you grow in your relationship with Christ. Attending regularly will help you worship God, discover His plan for your life, and learn how to live out His priorities.
2. Join a Group.
We believe that everybody needs a group! You need to surround yourself with people who are also growing in their relationship with God and can pour into your life with encouragement and support. By joining a Connect Group or a Volunteer Team, you’ll take an important next step of getting the right people in your life. You can learn more about joining a connect group here. If you would like more information about volunteering, simply e-mail jason@opwc.org.
3. Read Your Bible.
We believe that the Bible is God’s word to us…so read it! It’s the perfect next step. Consider diving head first into God's word by reading a chapter a day from one of the New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) which tell the story of Jesus’ life. The Gospel of John is a great place to start.
4. Get Baptized.
Baptism is an outward sign of your inward change. Like wearing a wedding band, it’s an opportunity for you to display to everyone that you’ve made the important decision to follow Christ. Baptism is also our opportunity to identify with Jesus and obey what He tells us to do. In the Bible, baptism was often THE FIRST step new Christ followers took. You can learn more about baptism and register for an upcoming baptism service by clicking here.
5. Share Your Story.
Tell somebody about your decision today! It’s important that your family, friends, and maybe the person that invited you to OPWC know that you’ve decided to follow Christ. It’s also important that we know! We would love to hear your story and give you a gift to celebrate your life-changing decision.